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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Want a better home loan? Just ask...

WITH the threat of another interest rise on the horizon, a new consumer survey has offered homeowners a ray of hope.

The survey, by consumer adviser CHOICE, found that the nation's big four banks - ANZ, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), National Australia Bank (NAB) and Westpac - were all willing to give a better deal on a home loan or transaction account ... all you have to do is ask.

CHOICE surveyed more than 2000 of its members and found that a third had asked their financial institution for a cut in transactions fees or interest rates, and most were pleasantly surprised with the result.

Of those that were prepared to ask for a new deal on their home loan, about two in five received a cut of up to 25 basis points (bps), a quarter received between 25 and 50 bps, and about another 25 per cent got between 50 bps and a full 1 per cent.

And there was an even greater reward for 10 per cent of those who asked, gaining a rate cut of between 1 and 2 per cent.
"If you're not satisfied with your current bank, tell them you're prepared to take your business elsewhere and try and quote products from other institutions," CHOICE spokesman Christopher Zinn said releasing the survey results today.

Mr Zinn said a 1 per cent decrease on a $400,000 loan would save more than $75,000 over 25 years. "So it really does pay to ask," he said.

Should the Reserve Bank lift the cash rate by 25 basis points to 4.75 per cent at its next board meeting on October 5 as being speculated in financial markets, it would add on average $65 to the monthly repayment on a $400,000 loan, assuming retail banks match the move.

The survey found that CBA, followed by NAB, rated best overall for negotiating a better home loan deal, while the ANZ and Westpac were most likely to give their customers an interest rate cut.

Westpac also rated best for negotiating better deals on transaction accounts.

Those who sought a better deal on transaction accounts were mostly offered a new product, a reduction in fees and in some cases a refund of fees.

"Switching banks can take time and effort whereas just asking them to do better is much easier, and you can often be rewarded with big savings on fees and interest rates," Mr Zinn said.

Despite this apparent generosity from the major banks, they again finished bottom in the customer satisfaction league.

The survey found people more content with credit unions, like the Teachers Credit Union, and other smaller players including Members Equity bank, ING Direct and Bendigo.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/money/money-matters/want-a-better-home-loan-just-ask/story-e6frfmd9-1225928662467#ixzz10mjfZh3e

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