To get the the best possible price, you need a marketing strategy that targets both passive and active buyers |
To get the highest possible price when selling your home, you need to understand that buyers fall into one of two distinct categories, active buyers or passive buyers.
Active buyers are the people that, at a given time, are actively looking for a property through the available channels. They spend hours browsing property online, checking newspapers and viewing properties on the weekend.
Active buyers typically approach their search in a very logical and methodical fashion, and on average they will view 10-12 properties before deciding on a property.
While active buyers are responsible for around 80% of all purchases, passive buyers are certainly not to be ignored.
Unlike the active variety, passive buyers aren’t necessarily “in the market” for a property when they decide to make a purchase. It’s only after glancing upon a dream property that they decide to make a move.
Passive buyers are important because they typically form a strong emotional connection with the property and are willing to stretch their budget to secure it.
Interestingly, passive buyers may only ever view one property before buying.
To get the best possible price when selling, you need a marketing strategy that targets both active and passive buyers, and Caporn Young has one of the best around. This includes our popular CY Magazine which gets into the hand of nearly 70,000 potential buyers.
While you won’t always attract a passive buyer, when you do the result is often tremendous for both the seller and buyer.
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